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The spiritual needs we face in Scotland are huge. Developing the next generation of church leaders and gospel workers is a key factor in responding to these needs.

Cornhill Scotland aims to:

  • Train men and women who have a desire to reach the lost and who are ready to risk, to innovate – who will not hesitate to break the mould to teach people the gospel; and
  • Produce future leaders who will themselves be trainers, developing a network of training churches across Scotland.

Investing in the development of leaders to serve the 21st century Church

Our goal is not simply the training of leaders, but the emergence of a growing number of training churches in which gospel ministry is multiplied, and through which the nation can be reached for Christ.

Our part in this is to support the training of leaders who not only train other leaders, but build churches in which a culture of ongoing training is deeply embedded in church life at every level. Men and women who are trained through Cornhill Scotland are committed to, and equipped for this vision – and, already, we are seeing the fruits of their ministries.

Our biggest challenge is not finding men and women who want to train this way, or pastors who want to partner with us; it is funding. Few churches can fund Apprentice and Associate (Training) Pastor positions. We want to subsidise such positions to help establish this vision for training leaders for the 21st century church.

Cornhill Scotland is a registered charity and we rely solely on the income generated by student fees and donations that come in. We would ask you to prayerfully consider whether you can give to the work of Cornhill.

Giving to Cornhill Scotland could make a significant difference in our support of these men and women in training.

How Might You Support Cornhill Scotland?

There are several ways you can support us financially:

(Download our ‘Giving to Cornhill Scotland Booklet here)

Please Contact Us if you have any questions about giving.

Becoming a Gospel Patron

What is a Gospel Patron?

William Tyndale first translated the Bible into English. George Whitfield and John Newton were great evangelists who played a critical role in the extraordinary revivals of their time.

What is less known is the fact that their impact was only made possible because God chose to use wealthy people to collaborate with them. Behind-the-scenes, ‘Gospel Patrons’ emboldened them and enabled their ministries to go much further than they might otherwise have gone.

It is perhaps surprising that this mission-critical aspect of their ministries has been so little talked about. The truth is that generous men and women are God’s main means of supporting his work. We see in Luke 8 that Gospel Patronage has been the model since Jesus himself walked the earth.

“[Jesus] went on through cities and villages, proclaiming and bringing the good news of the kingdom of God. And the twelve were with him, and also some women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities: Mary, called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out, and Joanna, the wife of Chuza, Herod’s household manager, and Susanna, and many others, who provided for them out of their means.” (Luke 8:1-3 ESV) 

The most challenging aspect of this is the gauntlet thrown down to those who have been entrusted with an abundance of resources. It can be easy to think we are not involved in the front lines of ministry, but we need to consider whether we are the generosity-leaders God wants to use in our generation. 

The paramount need of our world is to know and trust Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. Could you rise to be a true partner with those who will stand and proclaim this message boldly and authentically in our day? Could you encourage, challenge, counsel, facilitate, and sometimes even follow your partner in the gospel? This calling is different, but essential. 

What is proposed here is a relationship between a Gospel Patron and a Pastor-in-Training.

The Gospel Patron will: 

  • Underwrite some or all of the costs associated with a Pastor-in-Training e.g. stipend, subsistence costs, accommodation etc., through their period of training (typically 3-5 years); and
  • Establish a relationship with the Pastor-in-Training – providing encouragement, counsel and support as and when required.

How do I become a Gospel Patron? 

Cornhill Scotland recognises that a relative few have the abundance of resources to underwrite all of the costs associated with a Pastor-in-Training (circa £25k pa). Therefore we propose that individuals underwrite a proportion of these costs. 

If you feel moved by this call to action and are excited by the role you could potentially play in the development of a Pastor-in-Training we suggest that you underwrite all or a proportion of the costs associated with a Pastor-in-Training. This should be in increments of £5k pa. This can be paid as a lump sum or in monthly instalments. 

Who will I support? 

What is proposed here is a relationship between you and a specific Pastor-in-Training. It’s important that you have a keen interest in the individual and their plans for future ministry. To that end Cornhill Scotland would be delighted to introduce you to people who are considering starting the Pastor’s Training Course or who will complete the course in the near future. 

If you are interested in becoming a Gospel Patron please contact the Administrator at Cornhill Scotland.

Leaving a Legacy to Support the Work of Cornhill Scotland 

Thinking about death 

This is hard to do and difficult to talk about. As Christ’s people, however, we have the sure and certain hope of everlasting life in his Kingdom. As we think about death it is right to ensure our family and loved ones are provided for in our wills. Many people like to leave money or gifts to gospel causes which they supported through their lives. 

Leaving a gift to Cornhill Scotland in your will results in giving which extends beyond your own lifetime, blessing future generations of God’s people. 

Prayerful consideration 

Prayerfully consider how God has blessed you in this life. What are the needs you see before you, both in your family and loved ones but also in the society and in the church? What kind of spiritual legacy are you leaving for future generations? Will your resources and finances contribute to the ongoing work of the gospel after you have died and gone to be with the Lord? 

Prioritise your estate 

There are five main ways you can leave a legacy to Cornhill Scotland in your will: 

  • A Pecuniary Legacy: This is deciding to leave a fixed sum of money to Cornhill Scotland and including that in your will. This is the simplest way to leave a legacy gift but has the disadvantage of possibly losing value over time due to inflation. 
  • A Specific Legacy: This is leaving specific items you own to Cornhill Scotland e.g. your house, land, paintings, car etc. This means that Cornhill receives the value of your gift at the time of your death, negating the effects of inflation. 
  • A Precatory Bequest: This is leaving a sum to an individual with a request that he/she gifts it to Cornhill Scotland. It is beneficially treated for tax purposes as the gift is exempt from Inheritance Tax, and the individual can claim Income Tax relief. Cornhill Scotland can also reclaim tax if the payment is made under the Gift Aid Scheme. 
  • A Residuary Bequest: This is leaving all or part of your estate which remains after any debts or other expenses have been paid. 
  • A Revertionary Bequest: This is leaving your estate to someone who makes use of it during their lifetime. After their death the estate is then left to Cornhill Scotland. 

What next?

If you have prayerfully decided to leave a legacy gift to Cornhill Scotland:

  • Speak to a lawyer about making a will and leaving a legacy gift as part of your will.
  • If you have already made a will, the simplest way to leave a legacy is to make a change in your will using a codicil. A codicil simply adds an extra instruction or replaces existing provisions with new directives and avoids the necessity and cost of making a new will. This can be done by speaking to a lawyer.
  • You may also wish to speak to your family or next of kin so they are aware of your decision.
  • It would be helpful if you could inform the Administrator at Cornhill Scotland (see page 3) of your decision at the time of making your will. This will remain confidential.

Information your lawyer may need:

  • The type of legacy you intend to leave to Cornhill Scotland
  • Scottish Charity Number: SC036735
  • Registered address: 25 Bath Street, Glasgow G2 1HW

If you would like help with identifying a suitable solicitor who can provide advice on writing a will, please contact us and we will be happy to help.

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