Cornhill Scotland

Cornhill Training Course

The Scottish Cornhill Training Course (CTC) is a course offering training in biblical expository ministry. Our primary aim is to equip men to preach. We’re also pleased to prepare women and men for other Bible-teaching ministries.

The Aim of the Course

Download the course leaflet here

Our primary aim is to train men to preach. The course is designed to equip Christians to:

  • Understand the Bible accurately
  • Teach the Bible effectively
  • Apply the Bible appropriately

We are also pleased to train men and women to teach the Bible in other contexts such as youth and children’s work and women’s ministries.

The Cornhill Training Course was started in London in 1991 by David Jackman. Cornhill is one of the ministries of the Proclamation Trust which arose out of the expository preaching ministry of Dick Lucas, Rector of St Helen’s Bishopsgate, in the City of London, from 1961 to 1998. The Scottish Cornhill Training Course, based in Central Glasgow, was established in 2006.

What is distinctive about the course?

Our conviction is that the preaching of God’s word in the local church is the God-given way in which the Father makes the Son known by the work of the Spirit. We focus, therefore, on preaching in the context of the local church. The course is intensive (two days a week part-time or four days a week full-time) with lots of assessed practical work. Each student can expect to give at least 15 assessed talks or sermons over the duration of the course, as well as contributing to group discussions.

Cornhill is an integrated course that endeavours not just to impart information but to fashion and shape Christian people to be servants of the word of Christ. Our teaching is interactive and practical, with group work, questions and discussion.

Course content

The ‘heartbeat’ of the course is the teaching of a wide range of books of Scripture, coming to grips with them in order to be able to preach and teach them.

 We study the Bible together:

  • Each morning begins with the Word of God and prayer as a student gives a Bible exposition.
  • A series of in-depth studies of Bible books, focusing on books such as Genesis, Exodus, John’s Gospel Mark’s Gospel and Romans.
  • A complete Bible overview.
  • A course in Biblical Theology themes

We study principles of biblical preaching:

  • A foundation course in the basic Principles of Expository Preaching. Including Observation, Interpretation and Application.
  • An in-depth course on Preaching Instructions.
  • A course which looks at how to preach different genres of Bible books:
    • The Gospels & New Testament letters
    • Old Testament Law, Narrative & Prophets
    • Apocalyptic, Poetry & Wisdom Literature.

We expound Bible passages:

  • To the whole group each day a student gives a ‘Morning Exposition’.
  • In ‘gobbet groups’ opening up short passages of scripture to determine their meaning in context.
  • In preaching groups where a student gives a full practice talk.

We study Christian doctrine:

  • An Introductory course on Systematic Theology.
  • Issues of Practical Ministry.

We study the work of a Pastor:

  • The shape of Pastoral Ministry, with consideration of a number of practical issues.

What else does Cornhill offer?

  • Fellowship with others wanting to serve Christ in the ministry of the Word and prayer.
  • A mission week in the UK or perhaps elsewhere.
  • Visiting lecturers and speakers who help us with further Bible teaching and other practical ministry skills.
  • All students benefit from a placement with a local church in which they can exercise their Bible teaching skills.

Term Dates : 2024-25

AUTUMN TERM (12 teaching weeks)

Monday 16 September – Friday 20 December 2024

Half term: Monday 14 October – Friday 18 October 2024

Reading week:  Monday 18 November – Friday 22 November 2024

SPRING TERM (10 teaching weeks)

Monday 13 January – Friday 4 April 2025

Half term/Mission week: Sun 16 February – Friday 28 February 2025

SUMMER TERM (8 teaching weeks)

Monday 28 April – Thursday 26 June 2025

Half Term: Monday 26 May – Friday 30 May 2025

Course Fees : 2024–25

The Course Fees:

  • Standard two-year course: £4,650 for the year (£1,550 payable each term)
  • Accelerated one-year course: £7,440 for the year (£2,480 payable each term)

Application Procedure

If you would like to apply for the course there is an application form to be completed and a subsequent interview at 31 Bath Street before students are accepted.

We are always happy to welcome prospective students to visit the course and to meet with individuals to discuss how the course might help their possible future ministry.

Download an application form, or fill it out online here

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